Olá a todos
Mais uma caminhonete pra garagem das custons..... certamente este vem se tornando meu tema preferido =]
A vítima da vez.
Mais uma caminhonete pra garagem das custons..... certamente este vem se tornando meu tema preferido =]
A vítima da vez.
" Hi guys!
The challenger was make a blazer using a chevy silverado as a base.
The pick ups became my favorite customization. "
The challenger was make a blazer using a chevy silverado as a base.
The pick ups became my favorite customization. "
83 Chevy Silverado 2011
A missão dessa vez foi transformar a silverado em uma blazer.
"Changes "
teto e cobertura da caçamba; (ps e durepoxi)
"building the top side and cover the bucket (poly styrene epoxy)"
janela frontal e as laterais; (acetato)
"Windows made by acetate"
Subir um pouco a "suspensão";
"raise up the suspension"
Calotas; (de taxinha)
Pintura e detalhamento.
"painting and details"
A Construção.
Primeiro eu recortei em ps as partes que formariam o desenho básico do carro.
"First step was cut the ps to build the basic car design."
As laterais foram coladas na posição.
"The sides were glued in positions."
O fechamento da parte de traz também foi fixada.
"the back side was glue as well."
Eu colei a continuação do teto.
"I glued the top of the car."
Com muito cuidado, eu removi a parte de ps.
"Carefully, I have removed the ps part."
Com esta parte já solta, acrescentei uma emenda com a finalidade de unificar o teto.
"with this part already loosed, i added a small piece of estirene to make a unic top."
Com durepoxi eu cobri a parte interna para dar mais fixação ao teto e permitir o linchamento.
"With epoxy I covered the inside part to give more suport for sanding."
Todas as junções do estireno com o zamac foram cobertas de epoxi.
"All ps joints with zamac were covered with epoxy."
Depois de tudo seco, foi só lixar.
"After everything is dry, it's just sanding."
A pintura.
"The painting"
Primeiro foi aplicada a cor de fundo. Um amarelo metálico queimado.
"the first step was apply the base color, in this case it was a darck metalic yelow"
Com uma folha de adesivo extra fino, eu recortei as mascaras e fixei no lugar, isolando o que eu queria que ficasse na cor de base.
"with a adhesive extra fine paper I cut the mask to isolate the base paint making the drawing."
Foi aplicado um marrom metálico para fazer a segunda cor. Depois de retirada a máscara, este foi o resultado final da pintura.
"The second color was metallic brown. After take off the mask it was the final result."
Em seguida foi aplicado o verniz automotivo, depois de seco foi só montar a mine e pronto!
"The second step was apply the automotive varnish.
Waiting dry.
Put all pieces together and this job is done."
Waiting dry.
Put all pieces together and this job is done."
Espero que gostem.
"I hope you enjoy it.
"I hope you enjoy it.
superb! thanks also for the English interpretation! :)
ResponderExcluirHi Alex,
ResponderExcluirGreat work on your blog. I do have a simple request. I have noticed that one of my images (this '83 Silverado) is on your blog. I am impressed that you like my image but am a little irritated that you have removed the watermark. I would have contacted you in another manner but I am unable to locate contact information. Please, if you want to use my images simply ask for permission or leave the watermark in place. If this is not remedied, I will seek further action.
I believe I speak for a lot of the owners of the original images that you show on your blog. The majority of the images were taken from HW-Wiki.
Thank you for your cooperation.
my apologies.
ResponderExcluirI ll remove the image as fast as possible or if u wanna, send me one link and your name to give you the credits.
Now, about your watermark I did not remove it. Its make no sence.... I just took one without watermark. In this case probaly some one removed the watermark and used it as well. I did not remember where i found it, but probaly in the brasilian online departament store (hot wheels, sales department). I usualy use images from this site to dont have this kaind of problem.
Any way I ll take care about the next images, probaly I'll take my own photos.
Thank you for your cooperation Alex. If there is an image of mine that you would like to use, go right ahead. You've got my permission.
ResponderExcluirIf you come across my picture, could you please let me know where?
I appreciate your prompt response.
Again, you've done some great work here!
Ficou bem legal!!mais eu deixaria as rodas normais mesmo